Sky View Through an Archway on Campus

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Personal Overview

Justin Niermeier-Dohoney is an Assistant Professor of the History of Science and Medicine at the Florida Institute of Technology with broad research interests in the history of the early modern sciences in Britain, Europe, and the Atlantic world; environmental history; and Anthropocene studies. His most recent research projects focus on the role of alchemy in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century agrarian reform movements; the relationship between astrology and meteorology in early modern theories regarding the possibility of global climate change; the intersections of European imperial expansion, capitalism, and trade in chemical, botanical, and medical materials; and the historical origins of ecology, sustainability, and environmental management.

He received BA degrees in History and English Literature from Indiana University (2004), MA degrees in History from Clemson University (2011) and Social Sciences from the University of Chicago (2013), and a PhD in the History of Science from the University of Chicago (2018). Before joining FIT, he was an adjunct instructor in Humanities and Social Sciences in the Honors Program at Indiana University Southeast and held postdoctoral positions in the Department of History and the College at the University of Chicago and in Department III at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany.

Born and raised in southern Indiana--with moves to mid-Michigan, upstate South Carolina, Chicago, northwest Indiana, London, and Berlin--Justin now lives in Melbourne, Florida, with his marvelous wife Carly and their extraordinary sons Wyatt and Emerson. When he is not involved with his scholarly work, he enjoys spending time with his family; cooking (especially Cajun/Creole, Mediterranean, and French country-style cuisine); collecting Roman coins, busts, indigenous American artifacts, old books, and animal skulls; hiking; reading (and occasionally writing) science fiction; drinking craft beers, and cheering on the Cubs, Blackhawks, Colts, and Hoosiers.